1. Alter table to add Columns in Tables
SQL> alter table people 2 add ( 3 phone_number varchar2(10) 4 ); Table altered.
2. Add two columns to a table
SQL> alter table people 2 add( 3 t_name varchar2(40), 4 st_name varchar2(15) 5 ); Table altered.
3. Use alter table command to add foreign key constraint
SQL> ALTER TABLE products 2 add CONSTRAINT fk_supplier 3 FOREIGN KEY (supplier_id, supplier_name) 4 REFERENCES supplier(supplier_id, supplier_name); Table altered.
4. Use alter table to add foreign key with cascade delete
SQL> ALTER TABLE products 2 add CONSTRAINT fk_supplier 3 FOREIGN KEY (supplier_id) 4 REFERENCES supplier(supplier_id) 5 ON DELETE CASCADE; Table altered.
5. Alter table to add a foreign key ON DELETE SET NULL
SQL> ALTER TABLE products 2 add CONSTRAINT fk_supplier 3 FOREIGN KEY (supplier_id) 4 REFERENCES supplier(supplier_id) 5 ON DELETE SET NULL; Table altered.
6. Alter table to drop unused columns
select * from user_unused_col_tabs; ALTER TABLE people DROP UNUSED COLUMNS;
7. Alter table to drop two columns in a single command
alter table people drop (first_name, last_name);
8. Marking Columns Unused
alter table people set unused (first_name, last_name);
9. Alter table to change the storage
alter table t storage ( FREELISTS 2 );
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