
Friday, March 22, 2013

Oracle Subquery

A subquery is a query within a query. In Oracle, you can create subqueries within your SQL statements. These subqueries can reside in the WHERE clause, the FROM clause, or the SELECT clause.

A subquery in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement is also called a nested subquery. You can nest up to 255 levels of subqueries in the WHERE clause.

A subquery in the FROM clause of a SELECT statement is also called an inline view. Oracle Database imposes no limit on the number of subquery levels in the FROM clause of the top-level query.

A subquery can contain another subquery.

If columns in a subquery have the same name as columns in the containing statement, then you must prefix any reference to the column of the table from the containing statement with the table name or alias. To make your statements easier to read, always qualify the columns in a subquery with the name or alias of the table, view, or materialized view.

1. When a query is > ALL, each row in the result set is greater than the highest value returned.

SQL> SELECT empno, sal
  2  FROM Emp
  3  WHERE sal > ALL (SELECT sal
  4                       FROM Emp
  5                       WHERE job ='SALESMAN');

     EMPNO        SAL
---------- ----------
       7566      2975    
       7698      2850    
       7782      2450    
       7788      3000    
       7839      5000    
       7902      3000    

14 rows selected.


2. 'ALL' with a Multiple Row Subquery.

'ALL' with a Multiple Row Subquery: must place an =, <>, <, >, <=, or >= operator before ALL

SQL> SELECT id, last_name
  2  FROM employee
  3  WHERE salary > ALL
  4    (SELECT salary
  5     FROM employee where description='Tester');

---- ----------
07   Larry

3. Subquery > 'ANY' each row in the result set is greater than the lowest value returned.

  2  FROM Emp
  3  WHERE sal > ANY (SELECT sal
  4                       FROM Emp
  5                       WHERE job ='SALESMAN');

   EMPNO ENAME      JOB              MGR HIREDATE         SAL 
-------- ---------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- 
    7839 KING       PRESIDENT            17-NOV-81       5000 
    7902 FORD       ANALYST         7566 03-DEC-81       3000 
    7788 SCOTT      ANALYST         7566 09-DEC-82       3000 
    7566 JONES      MANAGER         7839 02-APR-81       2975 
    7698 BLAKE      MANAGER         7839 01-MAY-81       2850 
    7782 CLARK      MANAGER         7839 09-JUN-81       2450    
    7499 ALLEN      SALESMAN        7698 20-FEB-81       1600 
    7844 TURNER     SALESMAN        7698 08-SEP-81       1500 
    7934 MILLER     CLERK           7782 23-JAN-82       1300 

9 rows selected.

4. 'ANY' with a Multiple Row Subquery.

'ANY' with a Multiple Row Subquery: must place an =, <>, <, >, <=, or >= operator before ANY

SQL> SELECT id, last_name
  2  FROM employee
  3  WHERE salary < ANY
  4    (SELECT salary
  5     FROM employee where city='New York');

---- ----------
08   Cat
01   Martin
05   Black
04   Rice
06   Green
03   Smith
02   Mathews

7 rows selected.

5. Use sub query as a virtual table(Inline Views)

SQL> SELECT id "Emp #", First_name "Name", salary "Salary", ROWNUM rank
  2  FROM
  3    (SELECT id, first_name, salary FROM employee ORDER BY salary);

Emp  Name           Salary       RANK
---- ---------- ---------- ----------
01   Jason         1234.56          1
03   James         2334.78          2
08   James         2334.78          3
05   Robert        2334.78          4
06   Linda         2334.78          5
07   David         2334.78          6
02   Alison        2334.78          7
04   Celia         2334.78          8

8 rows selected.

6. Compare with data from subquery and Using of Aggregate Function

  2  FROM Emp
  3  WHERE sal > (SELECT min(e.sal)
  4                       FROM Emp e, dept d
  5                       WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno);

7. An example of a nested three-level subquery

  2  FROM Emp
  3  WHERE sal > (SELECT min(e.sal)
  4                       FROM Emp e, dept d
  5                       WHERE d.deptno = e.deptno);

8. If an inner query returns a NULL, the outer query also returns NULL

  2  FROM Emp
  3  WHERE sal > (SELECT sal
  4                       FROM Emp
  5                       WHERE empno = 0);

no rows selected

9. Working with multi-column subqueries(a pairwise comparison)

SQL> SELECT empno, ename
  2  FROM Emp
  3  WHERE (sal, deptno) = (SELECT sal, deptno FROM Emp WHERE empno =  7934);

10. Using the EXISTS and NOT EXISTS operators

SQL> SELECT empno, eName
  2  FROM Emp e
  4                FROM dept d
  5                WHERE e.deptno = d.deptno);

11. Writing Single Row Subqueries

SQL> SELECT first_name, last_name
  2  FROM employee
  3  WHERE id =
  4    (SELECT id
  5     FROM employee
  6     WHERE last_name = 'Cat');

12. Subqueries in a HAVING Clause: Uses a subquery in the HAVING clause of the outer query

SQL> SELECT city, AVG(salary)
  2  FROM employee
  3  GROUP BY city
  4  HAVING AVG(salary) <
  5    (SELECT MAX(AVG(salary))
  6     FROM employee
  7     GROUP BY city);

13. Subqueries May Not Contain an ORDER BY Clause

SQL> SELECT id, first_name, salary
  2  FROM employee
  3  WHERE salary >
  4    (SELECT AVG(salary)
  5     FROM employee)
  6  ORDER BY id DESC;

14. Sub query with table join

SQL> SELECT e.empno, ename, j.jobtitle
  2  FROM employee e,
  3    (SELECT empno, jobtitle
  4     FROM job) j
  5  WHERE e.empno = j.empno;

15. Subquery just returns a literal value: improve performance of your query

SQL> SELECT empno, ename
  2  FROM emp outer
  4    (SELECT 1
  5     FROM emp inner
  6     WHERE inner.mgr = outer.empno);

16. EXISTS typically offers better performance than IN with subqueries

When a list of values contains a null, NOT EXISTS returns true, but NOT IN returns false.

SQL> SELECT empno, ename
  2  FROM emp outer
  4    (SELECT 1
  5     FROM emp inner
  6     WHERE inner.mgr = outer.empno);

17. Writing Nested Subqueries

SQL> SELECT city, AVG(salary)
  2  FROM employee
  3  GROUP BY city
  4  HAVING AVG(salary) <
  5    (SELECT MAX(AVG(salary)) FROM employee WHERE id IN 
  6      (SELECT id FROM employee)
  7     GROUP BY city);

18. subqueries in the SELECT column list (New Way)

SQL> SELECT e.lastname, e.salary,
  2     (SELECT avg(salary) FROM employee
  3      WHERE dept_no = e.dept_no) avg_sal_dept
  4  FROM employee e
  5  order by 1
  6  /

19. subqueries in the SELECT column list (Old way)

SQL> SELECT e.lastname, e.salary, d.avg_sal_dept
  2  FROM employee e, (SELECT dept_no, avg(salary) as avg_sal_dept
  3                    FROM employee
  4                    GROUP BY dept_no)  d
  5  WHERE e.dept_no = d.dept_no
  6  order by 1
  7  /

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